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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (le Carre)


Reason as logic, or reason as motive...or reason as a way of life? ...They don't have to give me reasons. I can write my own damn reasons. And that is not the same...as the half-baked tolerance that comes from no longer caring.
-- John le Carré. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (novel, 1974). [George Smiley speaking to Peter Guillam, Chapter 11]

Middle children weep longer than their brothers and sisters. Over her mother's shoulder, stilling her pains and her injured pride, Jackie Lacon watched the party leave. First, two men she had not seen before: one tall, one short and dark. They drove off in a small green van. No one waved to them, she noticed, or even said goodbye. Next, her father left in his own car; lastly a blond, good-looking man and a short fat one in an enormous overcoat like a pony blanket made their way to a sports car parked under the beech trees. For a moment she really thought there must be something wrong with the fat one, he followed so slowly and so painfully. Then, seeing the handsome man hold the car door for him, he seemed to wake, and hurried forward with a lumpy skip. Unaccountably, this gesture upset her afresh. A storm of sorrow seized her and her mother could not console her.
-- John le Carré. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (novel, 1974), chapter 10.

Like an old illness, his anger had taken him by surprise. Ever since his retirement, he had been denying its existence, steering clear of anything that could touch it off: newspapers, former colleagues, gossip... After a lifetime of living by his wits and his considerable memory, he had given himself full time to the profession of forgetting.,,, "Burn the lot," Ann had suggested helpfully, referring to his books. "Set fire to the house. But don't rot." If by rot, she meant conform, she was right to read that as his aim.
-- John le Carré. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (novel, 1974). chapter 10.